Project ABC – News

Dates here…

Jackdaw, Bombardino, Blue Jay and Chione have arrived in Lowestoft. The crews all agree that this was a pretty tricky leg, rough seas with winds gusting 20-40 knots. In fact Matt on Belladonna was catapulted from his bunk as the boat dug into the waves. The passage provided boats with surfing at 17 knots in 40 knots of winds and a...

Cariberia, the leading monohull, and Hissy Fit, leading the multihulls, left Lowestoft after their 24 hour stopover (shortened to make up for the lengthy weather enforced stop in Castlebay). Sail repairs and a quick interview before departure The remaining multihulls then arrived with The Edge coming in just after midnight, followed by Belladonna and Suenos in the morning....

A very jolly time was had by all on Monday evening, thanks to the Plymouth Gin which was flowing, and the hospitality of The Lerwick Boating Club whilst England beat Tunisia in the opening round of the World Cup, which added to the ‘Bonhomie’. One of the joys of the RB&I and why sailors enter the Race time and time...

CARIBERIA survived sailing around Muckle Flugga whilst storm Hector howled around them, later describing the journey as ‘awful’. They arrived in Lerwick on Friday evening looking surprisingly well rested. Unfortunately for the Lerwick Race Port Officer and Race Director neither CARIBERIA’s Tracker nor AIS was working. After rounding Muckle Flugga they attempted to shelter in Balta Sound which is situated on...

Hissy Fit and The Edge are now in Lerwick. Cariberia and Hissy Fit sailed longer legs: Hissy Fit around St Kilda, and Cariberia around both St Kilda and Muckle Flugga. The Edge and the remaining boats are sailing the shortened leg. Hissy Fit and The Edge arrive....

Cariberia arrived in Lerwick at 20:38:50 having sailed the full leg 3 course around Muckle Flugga without seeking shelter until they reached the east coast of Shetland. Their tracker has failed leaving us unable to follow their progress on the web, now we await the story of their trip!...

The boats are all racing again, showing good speed up the west coast of the Outer Hebrides. The shortened leg takes them straight up to the Flannan Isles, omitting St Kilda, on to Sula Sgeir, and then, the big change, going round the south of Shetland (instead of Muckle Flugga in the north) to Lerwick. The change allows the competitors to catch...